Sunday, January 14, 2007

Social Genocide

Mary called the second she got in the door - home save and sound after a week plus that she will never forget -- I know istantly that she's not the same as she was before she left.

She called me here in California from her home in Wiarton, Ontario, Canada at midnight her time - before she had unpacked her car. Even though I would have thought she would be absolutely exhausted after she put in several long hard days of driving on top of her volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity, I don't even know where to begin to describe the frenzied pace at which she recounted just some of what she had seen and heard in the time she had been away.

I'm guessing that Toni was at her home duplicating the process with someone in her family or a close friend.

After the first hour I was still mesmerized and I knew I had to start taking notes so I furiously started typing as fast as I could...

I can't believe that the things she described have not been taken care of - after all Hurricane Katrina was 16 months ago and again, this is the USA -- not some third world country!

I go to bed but after listening to her begin to tell the story - no matter how hard I try I can't sleep - the two words that stick in my head are... SOCIAL GENOCIDE.

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